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Health Room

The Health Room at Spanaway Middle School serves a variety of purposes, including supporting the health needs of students and helping with medical concerns.

Emergencies and First Aid
Care will be given up to the limits of state law. An aid car will be summoned for injuries or illnesses which are judged to require more than basic first aid. It is very important for students to have current emergency contact and phone numbers on file in the health room.

Health Screening
Each year, 7th grade students are screened by specialists for vision and hearing.

Every student must have proof of their immunizations on file at the school before the first day of attendance. All students must be immunized in accordance with WAC 248-100-163. You can be excluded from school if your immunizations are not complete.

Students may not administer medications to themselves at school. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medicine. Parents may come to the school to administer medication to their student in the health room. School district employees can give students medication when the proper procedures are followed:

  • Get a Health Care Provider Medication Request form from the nurse or health clerk. An adult is to bring the medication in the original container to the nurse or health clerk, along with the signed Health Care Provider Medication Request form.
  • The medication will be kept in a locked cabinet in the health room.
  • Students will go to the health room with a pass when it is time to take their medications.

In order for a student to carry an inhaler in school, the student must have a doctor's note.

Health Room Forms


Health Clerk: Josette Camacho

Nurse: Dawn Fox